Patriots Day

Patriots Day 6,5/10 5914 votes

Patriots Day (2. 01. IMDb. Goofs. The first Boston Marathon bomb was set off at 2: 4. However in the movie, when the first bomb was set off, the clock at the finish line read 0.

Patriots Day largely sidesteps any jingoistic bent that could’ve been gleaned from its title — a Massachusetts holiday honoring the American. Éjszakai Ragadozók here.

Patriots Day 2013Patriots Day Patriots Day

Patriots Day summary of box office results, charts and release information and related links. With “Patriots Day,” set for release in the coming months, the worry is that some people — New Englanders in particular — will view the film as a.

  • Patriots' Day (officially Patriots' Day in Massachusetts and Wisconsin and Patriot's Day in Maine) is an official state holiday commemorating the.
  • The movie Patriots Day: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Patriots Day 2012

Patriots Day 2014