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Over time, new products may be included when appropriate. Gold holdings are as reported by the ETF/ETC issuers and where data is unavailable holdings have been calculated using reported AUM numbers. Close. Source: Metals Focus; GFMS, Thomson Reuters; ICE Benchmark Administration; World Gold Council. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Online Bluray Film 2016 Watch. World Gold Council and the. Circle device are trademarks of the World Gold Council or its affiliates.
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The World Gold Council’s leading industry publication on gold demand trends, analysed by both sector and geography for the third quarter 2016. Visit for live streams, highlights, schedules, results, news, athlete bios and more from Rio 2016.

ICE Benchmark Administration Limited accepts no liability or. Other third party data and content is the intellectual property of the respective. Any copying, republication or redistribution of content, to reproduce, distribute. World Gold Council or the appropriate copyright owners except as provided below.
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Brief extracts from the analysis, commentary. World Gold Council material are permitted provided World Gold Council. It is not permitted to reproduce, distribute or otherwise use. The World Gold Council. The material contained in this document is provided solely for general information. Nothing in. this document should be taken as making any recommendations or providing.
A decision to invest in gold, any gold related products or. Before making any investment decision. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event will the World Gold Council or. World Gold Council and. This document contains forward- looking statements. The use of the words. These forward- looking statements are based on the analysis.
World Gold Council of the statistics available to it. Assumptions relating to. In addition, the demand for gold and. In light of the significant. World Gold Council that the forward- looking statements will be achieved. Except in the normal course of our publication cycle, we.